Manual upload of raw chromatography data
To manually upload files manually open New Injections page and drag’n’drop your zip with raw data. Depending on the vendor, the archive should contain:
Raw directories (most vendors)
Raw files, e.g. Shimadzu LCD
For mzML there should be a directory or multiple directories with mzml extension, like this: 001.mzml. Inside the directory there should be one or more files for each detector with *.MzML extension.
See the full list of supported formats
You can group the files in subdirectories. Some formats (like Agilent ChemStation) don’t have an easy way for Peaksel to recognize if they came from the same plate or not - grouping in subdirectories may help.
By default, in on-prem installations ZIP can’t be greater than 1GB in size. This can be changed in the Global Properties.
For on-premise and Private SaaS installations you can set up automatic import of raw data from the instrument folders.