Chromatography via REST API
Besides using Peaksel web UI, it’s also possible to programmatically work with the app using the HTTP API (fetch data like spectra or traces, select peaks, etc):
The API documentation for the latest version can always be found at the Public HPLC Cloud.
But it’s more convenient to use Peaksel SDK. Simply include it as a dependency to your project, and work with the classes that it provides. The SDK it’s going to handle all the communication with Peaksel.
API capabilities
The API allows you to do everything you can through the UI, and gives access to almost any data. You can:
Upload HPLC injections
Get back traces and spectra
Fetch peak attributes (area, retention time, etc)
Select peaks
Extract chromatograms
Combine injections into batches
Upload structure information
Manage teams and organizations
Delete data
and so on and so forth
There’s one exception: all the calculations inside visualizations (tables and calculated columns) happen on UI when the page is open. So because the results of these calculations aren’t stored in the database, you can’t retrieve them using the API. This will be changed at some point, so feel free to raise a ticket if you want to expedite this.